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Day 1: 31 Days After 18

Write 31 Days is a challenge in which participants write a blog post every day during the month of October. I have decided to join because I enjoy writing, but rarely sit down to actually do it. I literally have yet to post a single thing on my blog, so hopefully I can keep up! I'm still figuring out how this works, so..!

I chose this topic mostly because it's pretty broad and I won't have to worry so much about coming up with 31 different topics. But...I turned 18 a few days ago, and life is changing. I both want the change and want to go back to just being a kid. During the next few weeks, I hope to share things that have shaped me into who I am, and things that I am discovering and experiencing.

I apologize in advance, as some of the posts will be more for me than for anyone else, and I realize that what is important to me, and what I like is not at all the same as what is important to you!

This is life from my perspective. The perspective of a perfectionistic, anxious thinker who really wants to be crazy, but most of the time can't quite get there. I hope you enjoy whatever part of my journey you join, whether now or in the future. And thank you so much for the time you take to read my musings!

If I can figure it out, I will try to attach all of the articles here, although currently this is unnecessary because these are the only articles!

Day 2: ArtPrize

Day 4: Friendship

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